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Semináře Astronomického ústavu UK

Semináře se konají pravidelně ve středu od 10:10 v posluchárně T1 (V Holešovičkách 2, 18000 Praha).

Dotazy: Jaroslav Haas ("haas", server "")

Aktuální program ve formátu PDF

Mimořádný seminář - úterý, od 10:10, posluchárna T1
Zhiqiang Yan (Nanjing University, China)
Constraining the stellar initial mass function slope with galaxy chemical evolution
Iris Bermejo Lozano (Astronomical Institute of Charles University, Prague; Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
Towards the first stars of the universe: Leo A
Alžběta Oplištilová (Astronomical Institute of Charles University, Prague)
The Orion belt stars observed with the help of the European Southern Observatory
Seminář se nekoná - státní svátek
Seminář se nekoná - státní svátek
Alžběta Maleňáková (Astronomical Institute of Charles University, Prague; Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Ondřejov)
Gamma-ray burst optical afterglows: the first ten minutes
Matyáš Fuksa (Astronomical Institute of Charles University, Prague)
Long-term stability of captured planetary systems
Tatiana Výbošťoková (Astronomical Institute of Charles University, Prague; Department of Surface and Plasma Science, Charles University, Prague)
Interplay of magnetospheric dynamics and geomagnetic disturbances: impact on the central European power systems
Dominik Černý (Astronomical Institute of Charles University, Prague)
Asteroid models from photometric data and occultations
Daniel Chmúrny (Astronomický ústav UK, Praha)
Integrály kernelů pro time–distance helioseismologii
Vikrant Jadhav (University of Bonn, Germany)
The spin, expansion and contraction of open star clusters using Gaia and simulations
Vojtěch Partík (Astronomical Institute of Charles University, Prague)
Exploring galaxy evolution in the Virgo Cluster
Allison Baláž (Astronomical Institute of Charles University, Prague)
Historical photometric data on the star clusters Pleiades and Hyades
Marta García Rivas (Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Ondřejov; Astronomical Institute of Charles University, Prague)
In the pursuit of a stability criterion in solar spots
Jan Ebr (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
Atmospheric monitoring with robotic telescopes
Michaela Walterová (Department of Geophysics, Charles University, Prague)
Constraining the interior structure and thermal state of Venus
Stanislav Gunár (Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Ondřejov)
A tale about tornadoes that weren't
Miroslav Bárta (Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Ondřejov; European ALMA Regional Center - Czech node, Ondřejov)
High-resolution solar ALMA imaging
Jaroslav Klokočník (Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Ondřejov)
Mars - gravitational field
Jiří Svoboda (Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
X-ray polarimetry measurements of X-ray binaries
Václav Pavlík (Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague; Indiana University, Bloomington, USA)
Anisotropic stellar velocities: a key factor in star clusters evolution
Roger Hutton (Lund University, Sweden; Beijing Normal University, China)
Quantum interference, and the Solar corona magnetic field
Myank Singhal (Astronomical Institute of Charles University, Prague)
Dynamical coupling of Keplerian orbits: from Galactic center to compact planetary systems
Stefano Andreon (Astronomical Observatory of Brera, Milan, Italy)
First massive galaxy clusters emerging from the cosmic web at z~2
Subo Dong (Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Beijing, China)
Searching for "lonely" dark objects with microlensing
Lukasz Wyrzykowski (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Studying the populations of Milky Way's dark lenses with the Gaia space mission and microlensing
Pavel Kroupa (University of Bonn, Germany; Astronomical Institute of Charles University, Prague)
The formation of supermassive black holes
Jan Kára (Astronomical Institute of Charles University, Prague)
Cataclysmic variables with an identity crisis
Dietrich Baade (European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany)
A shoebox-sized simulator of the ancient Cosmos: the Antikythera Mechanism from Greek antiquity
Mimořádný seminář - pondělí, od 12:10, posluchárna N3
Dietrich Baade (European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany)
Two centuries in the life of a massive star near Earth: close encounters with famous scientists between passion, mortal dangers, and breakthroughs
Jaroslav Merc (Astronomical Institute of Charles University, Prague)
Symbiotic binaries observed from space with Gaia and TESS
Henriette Wirth (Astronomical Institute of Charles University, Prague)
Explaining the missing mass in open star clusters (but not with dark matter)
Ronald Enrique Mennickent Cid (University of Concepción, Chile)
The still enigmatic long cycles observed in some Algols
Webmaster: Jaroslav Haas, "haas", server ""