Table: References (references)

Total rows count: 574
ID Bibcode Author Author Short Year Title Journal Volume Page Url Comment Created Modified
641 1987mpbu...14...11z Zeigler, K. W. Zeigler 1987 Photoelectric Photometry of Asteroids 213 Lilaea and 376 Geometria Minor Planet Bulletin 14 11 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
510 2010natur.466.1085p Pravec, P.; Vokrouhlický, D.; Polishook, D.; Scheeres, D. J.; Harris, A. W.; Galád, A.; Vaduvescu, O.; Pozo, F.; Barr, A.; Longa, P.; Vachier, F.; Colas, F.; Pray, D. P.; Pollock, J.; Reichart, D.; Ivarsen, K.; Haislip, J.; Lacluyze, A.; Kušnirák, P.; Henych, T.; Marchis, F.; Macomber, B.; Jacobson, S. A.; Krugly, Y. N.; Sergeev, A. V.; Leroy, A. Pravec et al. 2010 Formation of asteroid pairs by rotational fission Nature 466 1085-1088 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
397 1979icar...38..106l Lagerkvist, C. I. Lagerkvist 1979 A lightcurve survey of asteroids with Schmidt telescopes - Observations of nine asteroids during oppositions in 1977 Icarus 38 106-114 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
547 1983a&a...120..106s Schober, H. J.; Schroll, A. Schober & Schroll 1983 Rotation properties of the high-numbered asteroids 1236 Thais and 1317 Silvretta A&A 120 106-108 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
251 1979aca....29..105c Choloniewski, J. Choloniewski 1979 Photoelectric light curves of the asteroid 88 THISBE during the 1977 opposition Acta Astronomica 29 105-107 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
149 2013icar..226.1045h Hanuš, J.; Marchis, F.; Ďurech, J. Hanuš et al. 2013 Sizes of main-belt asteroids by combining shape models and Keck Adaptive Optics observations Icarus 226 1045-1057 2013-07-23 11:04:55 2014-01-28 10:33:48
195 1984a&as...57..103b Barucci, M. A.; di Martino, M. Barucci & di Martino 1984 Rotational rates of very small asteroids - 123 Brunhild, 376 Geometria, 437 Rhodia and 1224 Fantasia A&AS 57 103-106 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
315 1987rmxaa..15..103g Gallardo, T.; Tancredi, G. Gallardo & Tancredi 1987 Lightcurve and rotation period of 40 Harmonia Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrofis. 15 103-105 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
518 2010mpbu...37..102r Ruthroff, J. C. Ruthroff 2010 Lightcurve Analysis of Main Belt Asteroids 292 Ludovica and 1317 Silvretta Minor Planet Bulletin 37 102-103 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
260 1995p&ss...43.1013d De Angelis, G.; Mottola, S. De Angelis & Mottola 1995 Lightcurves and pole determinations for the asteroids 69 Hesperia, 79 Eurynome and 852 Wladilena Planet. Space Sci. 43 1013-1017 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
163 2015icar..256..101h Hanuš, J.; Delbo, M.; Ďurech, J.; Alí-Lagoa, V. Hanuš et al. 2015 Thermophysical modeling of asteroids from WISE thermal infrared data - Significance of the shape model and the pole orientation uncertainties Icarus 256 101-116 2016-04-22 14:00:37 2016-06-20 12:18:50
168 2018icar..304..101d Ďurech, J.; Hanuš, J.; Brož, M.; Lehký, M.; Behrend, R.; Antonini, P.; Charbonnel, S.; Crippa, R.; Dubreuil, P.; Farroni, G.; Kober, G.; Lopez, A.; Manzini, F.; Oey, J.; Poncy, R.; Rinner, C.; Roy, R. Ďurech et al. 2018 Shape models of asteroids based on lightcurve observations with BlueEye600 robotic observatory Icarus 304 101-109 2017-05-12 09:45:35 2018-02-20 10:03:14
422 1982avest..16..101l Lupishko, D. F.; Belskaya, I. N.; Tupieva, F. A.; Chernova, G. P. Lupishko et al. 1982 UBV photometry of the M-type asteroids 16 Psyche and 22 Kalliope Astronomicheskii Vestnik 16 101-108 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
244 Chang, Y. C.; Chang, C. S. Chang & Chang 1962 Photometric investigation of seven variable asteroids Acta Astronomica Sinica 10 101 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
346 1979icar...38..100h Harris, A. W.; Young, J. Harris & Young 1979 Photoelectric lightcurves of asteroids 42 Isis, 45 Eugenia, 56 Melete, 103 Hera, 532 Herculina, and 558 Carmen Icarus 38 100-105 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
674 2024mpbu...51..100f Franco, Lorenzo; Pilcher, Frederick; Oey, Julian; Marchini, Alessandro; Papini, Riccardo; Scarfi, Giulio; Iozzi, Marco; Ruocco, Nello; Bacci, Paolo; Maestripieri, Martina; Montigiani, Nico; Mannucci, Massimiliano Franco et al. 2024 Spin-Shape Model for 357 Ninnina Minor Planet Bulletin 51 100 2024-04-17 07:59:40 2024-04-17 07:59:40
551 1979a&as...36....1s Schober, H. J.; Scaltriti, F.; Zappala, V. Schober et al. 1979 Photoelectric photometry and rotation periods of three large and dark asteroids - 49 Pales, 88 THISBE and 92 Undina A&AS 36 1-8 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
552 1980a&a....91....1s Schober, H. J.; Scaltriti, F.; Zappala, V.; Harris, A. W. Schober et al. 1980 The remaining large minor planets with unknown rotational properties - 31 Euphrosyne and 65 Cybele A&A 91 1-6 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
240 1981a&as...45....1c Carlsson, M.; Lagerkvist, C.-I. Carlsson & Lagerkvist 1981 Physical studies of asteroids. IV - Photoelectric observations of the asteroids 47, 95, 431 A&AS 45 1-4 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
472 2012mpbu...39....1o Oey, J.; Colazo, C.; Mazzone, F.; Chapman, A. Oey et al. 2012 The Lightcurve Analysis of 918 Itha and 2008 Konstitutsiya Minor Planet Bulletin 39 1-2 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
217 1983icar...54....1b Birch, P. V.; Tedesco, E. F.; Taylor, R. C.; Binzel, R. P.; Blanco, C.; Catalano, S.; Hartigan, P.; Scaltriti, F.; Tholen, D. J.; Zappala, V. Birch et al. 1983 Lightcurves and phase function of asteroid 44 NYSA during its 1979 apparition Icarus 54 1-12 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
284 1995a&as..112....1d di Martino, M.; Dotto, E.; Cellino, A.; Barucci, M. A.; Fulchignoni, M. di Martino et al. 1995 Intermediate size asteroids: Photoelectric photometry of 8 objects. A&AS 112 1-+ 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
259 1994mpbu...21....1d Danforth, C. W.; Ratcliff, S. J. Danforth & Ratcliff 1994 CCD Photometry of 130 Elektra Minor Planet Bulletin 21 1 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
196 1983a&a...117....1b Barucci, M. A.; Dipaoloantonio, A. Barucci & Dipaoloantonio 1983 A check for the pole coordinates of asteroid 22 Kalliope A&A 117 1 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14