Links to related sites
- Asteroids@home ‒ BOINC application using distributed computing to derive asteroid models from photometry.
- Inverse problems research group
- 3D Asteroid Catalogue ‒ Catalogue of asteroid models with a WebGL-based application for visualisation.
- Collaborative Asteroid Lightcurve Link (CALL) ‒ Site dedicated to collaboration of asteroid observers.
- MPO LCInvert ‒ Windows-based program for light-curve inversion.
- Minor Planet Center ‒ IAU's site dedicated to minor planets (asteroids), ephemerides etc.
- JPL Small-Body Database Browser ‒ NASA's database of small bodies, orbital elements etc.
- ISAM (Interactive service for asteroid models)
- shapeViewer ‒ Android application for visualisation of asteroid shape models.
- All-Data Asteroid Modeling ‒ Software package for reconstructing asteroid shapes from observations.
- M. Kaasalainen (2019): Uniqueness and nonuniqueness in reconstruction of nonconvex bodies from photometry