Table: References (references)
Total rows count: 574
ID | Bibcode | Author | Author Short | Year | Title | Journal | Volume | Page | Url | Comment | Created | Modified |
146 | 2012mpbu...39..234f | Franco, L.; Pilcher, F; Higgins, D.; Durech, J. | Franco et al. | 2012 | Shape and spin axis model for 161 Athor | Minor Planet Bulletin, 39 | 234 | | 2012-09-25 12:33:45 | 2012-10-08 09:08:22 | ||
155 | 2012mpbu...39..173l | Lucas, M. P.; Ryan, J. G.; Fauerbach, M. | Lucas et al. | 2012 | A Shape Model of the Taxonomic A-Class Asteroids 446 Aeternitas | Minor Planet Bulletin, Vol. 39, No. 3 | 173-176 | | 2014-09-01 08:44:43 | 2014-09-01 08:44:43 | ||
472 | 2012mpbu...39....1o | Oey, J.; Colazo, C.; Mazzone, F.; Chapman, A. | Oey et al. | 2012 | The Lightcurve Analysis of 918 Itha and 2008 Konstitutsiya | Minor Planet Bulletin | 39 | 1-2 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
485 | 2012mpbu...39..171p | Pilcher, Frederick | Pilcher | 2012 | Rotation Period Determinations for 46 Hestia, 223 Rosa, 225 Henrietta, 266 Aline, 750 Oskar, and 765 Mattiaca | Minor Planet Bulletin | 39 | 171-173 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
499 | 2012mpbu...39..242p | Polishook, D. | Polishook | 2012 | Lightcurves for Shape Modeling: 852 Wladilena, 1089 Tama, and 1180 Rita | Minor Planet Bulletin | 39 | 242-244 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
511 | 2012icar..221..365p | Pravec, P.; Harris, A. W.; Kušnirák, P.; Galád, A.; Hornoch, K. | Pravec et al. | 2012 | Absolute magnitudes of asteroids and a revision of asteroid albedo estimates from WISE thermal observations | Icarus | 221 | 365-387 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
519 | 2011mpbu...38...86r | Ruthroff, J. C. | Ruthroff | 2011 | Lightcurve Analysis of Eight Main-belt Asteroids and a Revised Period for 185 Eunike | Minor Planet Bulletin | 38 | 86-88 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
573 | 2011mpbu...38...72s | Stephens, R. D.; Higgins, D. | Stephens & Higgins | 2011 | The Lightcurve for the Long-period Asteroid 1663 van den Bos | Minor Planet Bulletin | 38 | 72 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
613 | 2011aj....142..159v | Vokrouhlický, D.; Ďurech, J.; Polishook, D.; Krugly, Y. N.; Gaftonyuk, N. N.; Burkhonov, O. A.; Ehgamberdiev, S. A.; Karimov, R.; Molotov, I. E.; Pravec, P.; Hornoch, K.; Kušnirák, P.; Oey, J.; Galád, A.; Žižka, J. | Vokrouhlický et al. | 2011 | Spin Vector and Shape of (6070) Rheinland and Their Implications | AJ | 142 | 159 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
364 | 2011mpbu...38...41h | Higgins, D. | Higgins | 2011 | Period Determination of Asteroid Targets Observed at Hunters Hill Observatory: May 2009 - September 2010 | Minor Planet Bulletin | 38 | 41-46 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
386 | 2011m&ps...46..534k | Kozubal, Marek J.; Gasdia, Forrest W.; Dantowitz, Ronald F.; Scheirich, Peter; Harris, Alan W. | Kozubal et al. | 2011 | Photometric observations of Earth-impacting asteroid 2008 TC$_3$ | Meteoritics and Planetary Science | 46 | 534-542 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
139 | 2011icar..214..652d | Ďurech, Josef; Kaasalainen, Mikko; Herald, David; Dunham, David; Timerson, Brad; Hanuš, Josef; Frappa, Eric; Talbot, John; Hayamizu, Tsutomu; Warner, Brian D.; Pilcher, Frederick; Galád, Adrián | Ďurech et al. | 2011 | Combining asteroid models derived by lightcurve inversion with asteroidal occultation silhouettes | Icarus 214, 652 | | 2011-04-11 10:52:48 | 2011-11-28 15:08:39 | |||
140 | 2011a&a...529a.107m | Marciniak, A., and 24 colleagues | Marciniak | 2011 | Photometry and models of selected main belt asteroids. VIII. Low-pole asteroids | Astronomy and Astrophysics 529 | A107 | | 2011-04-20 09:28:29 | 2011-04-20 09:28:29 | ||
141 | 2011a&a...530a.134h | Hanuš, J., and 14 colleagues | Hanuš | 2011 | A study of asteroid pole-latitude distribution based on an extended set of shape models derived by the lightcurve inversion method | Astronomy and Astrophysics 530, A134 | | 2011-05-02 13:11:00 | 2011-10-11 15:57:05 | |||
190 | 2011mpbu...38....8a | Alton, K. B. | Alton | 2011 | CCD Lightcurves for 4 Main Belt Asteroids | Minor Planet Bulletin | 38 | 8-9 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
466 | 2011mpbu...38..221o | Oey, J. | Oey | 2011 | Lightcurve Analysis of Asteroids from Leura and Kingsgrove Observatory for the Second Half of 2009 and 2010 | Minor Planet Bulletin | 38 | 221-223 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
488 | 2011mpbu...38q.206p | Pilcher, F.; Brinsfield, J. W. | Pilcher & Brinsfield | 2011 | Rotation Period Determination for 531 Zerlina | Minor Planet Bulletin | 38 | 206 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
498 | 2011mpbu...38...94p | Polishook, David | Polishook | 2011 | Rotation Period of the ``Asteroid Pair'' (25884) 2000 SQ4 | Minor Planet Bulletin | 38 | 94-95 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
501 | 2011icar..212..167p | Polishook, D.; Brosch, N.; Prialnik, D. | Polishook et al. | 2011 | Rotation periods of binary asteroids with large separations - Confronting the Escaping Ejecta Binaries model with observations | Icarus | 212 | 167-174 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
518 | 2010mpbu...37..102r | Ruthroff, J. C. | Ruthroff | 2010 | Lightcurve Analysis of Main Belt Asteroids 292 Ludovica and 1317 Silvretta | Minor Planet Bulletin | 37 | 102-103 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
297 | 2010mpbu...37..125d | Durkee, R. I. | Durkee | 2010 | Asteroids Observed from the Shed of Science Observatory: 2009 October - 2010 March | Minor Planet Bulletin | 37 | 125-127 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
135 | 2010mpbu...37...21p | F. Pilcher | F. Pilcher | 2010 | Rotation period determinations for 23 Thalia, 204 Kallisto, and 207 Hedda, and notes on 161 Athor and 215 Oenone | Minor Planet Bulletin 37 | 21-23 | | 2010-03-03 22:27:43 | 2011-04-11 11:09:52 | ||
137 | 2010a&a...523a..94c | B. Carry et al. | B. Carry et al. | 2010 | Physical properties of ESA Rosetta target asteroid (21) Lutetia: Shape and flyby geometry | Astron. Astrophys., submitted | | 2010-07-21 08:38:46 | 2019-04-22 19:43:22 | |||
138 | 2010m&ps...45.1804s | P. Scheirich et al. | P. Scheirich et al. | 2010 | The shape and rotation of asteroid 2008 TC3 | Meteoritics and Planetary Science 45, Nr 10-11 | 1804-1811 | | 2010-11-05 13:50:01 | 2011-04-11 11:11:01 | ||
434 | 2010icar..210..635m | Marchis, F.; Lainey, V.; Descamps, P.; Berthier, J.; Van Dam, M.; de Pater, I.; Macomber, B.; Baek, M.; Le Mignant, D.; Hammel, H. B.; Showalter, M.; Vachier, F. | Marchis et al. | 2010 | A dynamical solution of the triple asteroid system (45) Eugenia | Icarus | 210 | 635-643 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
475 | 2010mpbu...37..138o | Owings, L. E. | Owings | 2010 | Lightcurves for 890 Waltraut, 3162 Nostalgia, and 6867 Kuwano | Minor Planet Bulletin | 37 | 138 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
227 | 2010mpbu...37...19b | Brinsfield, J. W. | Brinsfield | 2010 | Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Via Capote Observatory: 2009 3rd Quarter | Minor Planet Bulletin | 37 | 19-20 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
231 | 2010mpbu...37...41b | Buchheim, R. K. | Buchheim | 2010 | Lightcurve and Phase Curve of 1130 Skuld | Minor Planet Bulletin | 37 | 41-42 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
493 | 2010mpbu...37..144p | Pilcher, F.; Oey, J. | Pilcher & Oey | 2010 | Rotation Period Determination for 310 Margarita | Minor Planet Bulletin | 37 | 144 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
494 | 2010mpbu...37....8p | Pilcher, F.; Stephens, R. D. | Pilcher & Stephens | 2010 | Rotation Period Determination for 65 Cybele | Minor Planet Bulletin | 37 | 8 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
510 | 2010natur.466.1085p | Pravec, P.; Vokrouhlický, D.; Polishook, D.; Scheeres, D. J.; Harris, A. W.; Galád, A.; Vaduvescu, O.; Pozo, F.; Barr, A.; Longa, P.; Vachier, F.; Colas, F.; Pray, D. P.; Pollock, J.; Reichart, D.; Ivarsen, K.; Haislip, J.; Lacluyze, A.; Kušnirák, P.; Henych, T.; Marchis, F.; Macomber, B.; Jacobson, S. A.; Krugly, Y. N.; Sergeev, A. V.; Leroy, A. | Pravec et al. | 2010 | Formation of asteroid pairs by rotational fission | Nature | 466 | 1085-1088 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
295 | 2009a&a...493..291d | Ďurech, J.; Kaasalainen, M.; Warner, B. D.; Fauerbach, M.; Marks, S. A.; Fauvaud, S.; Fauvaud, M.; Vugnon, J.-M.; Pilcher, F.; Bernasconi, L.; Behrend, R. | Ďurech et al. | 2009 | Asteroid models from combined sparse and dense photometric data | A&A | 493 | 291-297 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
366 | 2009mpbu...36..159h | Higgins, D.; Warner, B. D. | Higgins & Warner | 2009 | Lightcurve Analysis at Hunters Hill Observatory and Collaborating Stations - Autumn 2009 | Minor Planet Bulletin | 36 | 159-160 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
122 | 2009mpbu...36..119p | D. Polishook | D. Polishook | 2009 | Lightcurves for shape modeling obtained at the Wise Observatory | Minor Planet Bulletin 36, nr. 3 | 119 | | 2008-10-31 10:55:16 | 2019-04-22 19:41:39 | ||
123 | 2009a&a...493..291a | J. Ďurech et al. | J. Ďurech et al. | 2009 | Asteroid models from combined sparse and dense photometric data | Astron. Astrophys. 493 | 291 | | 2008-11-03 15:49:39 | 2011-04-11 11:05:43 | ||
126 | 2009p&ss...57..259d | M. Delbo and P. Tanga | M. Delbo and P. Tanga | 2009 | Thermal inertia of main belt asteroids smaller than 100 km from IRAS data | P&SS 57 | 259 | | 2009-02-26 12:44:50 | 2011-04-11 11:06:51 | ||
127 | 2009mpbu...36...98t | B. Timerson et al. | B. Timerson et al. | 2009 | A trio of well-observed asteroid occultations in 2008 | Minor Planet Bulletin 36, nr. 3 | 98 | | 2009-04-15 14:34:37 | 2011-04-11 11:07:12 | ||
128 | 2009mpbu...36...40p | F. Pilcher, V. Benishek, and R. Krajewski | F. Pilcher | 2009 | Period determination for 182 Elsa: A collaboration triumph | Minor Planet Bulletin 36 | 40 | | 2009-05-04 15:41:09 | 2011-04-11 11:07:38 | ||
129 | 2009a&a...498..313m | A. Marciniak et al. | A. Marciniak et al. | 2009 | Photometry and models of selected main belt asteroids VI. 160 Una, 747 Winchester, and 849 Ara | Astron. Astrophys. 498 | 313 | | 2009-06-02 10:30:06 | 2011-04-11 11:07:57 | ||
130 | 2009a&a...507..495v | Vokrouhlický et al. | Vokrouhlický et al. | 2009 | Datura family: the 2009 update | A&A 507 | 495 | | 2009-07-10 14:48:05 | 2011-04-11 11:08:18 | ||
131 | 2009icar..203...88d | P. Descamps et al. | P. Descamps et al. | 2009 | New insights on the binary asteroid 121 Hermione | Icarus 203 | 88 | | 2009-08-27 14:12:38 | 2011-04-11 11:08:35 | ||
132 | 2010icar..205..460c | B. Carry et al. | B. Carry et al. | 2009 | Physical properties of (2) Pallas | Icarus 205 | 460 | | 2009-08-28 11:32:59 | 2011-04-11 11:08:54 | ||
133 | 2009mpbu...36..133p | F. Pilcher | F. Pilcher | 2009 | New lightcurves of 8 Flora, 13 Egeria, 14 Irene, 25, Phocaea, 40 Harmonia, 74 Galatea, and 122 Gerda | Minor Planet Bulletin | 133 | | 2009-09-23 13:16:21 | 2011-04-11 11:09:15 | ||
134 | 2009a&a...508.1503m | A. Marciniak et al. | A. Marciniak et al. | 2009 | Photometry and models of selected main belt asteroids. VII. 350 Ornamenta, 771 Libera, and 984 Gretia | Astron. Astrophys. 508 | 1503 | | 2009-11-05 15:12:31 | 2011-04-11 11:09:37 | ||
136 | 2009mpbu...36...48d | Dunckel, P.B.; Stephens, R.; Oey, J.; Bernasconi, L. | Dunckel et al. | 2009 | Shape and spin axis model for 683 Lanzia | Minor Planet Bulletin 36 | 48 | | 2010-04-01 12:47:35 | 2011-04-11 11:10:18 | ||
465 | 2009mpbu...36....4o | Oey, J. | Oey | 2009 | Lightcurve Analysis of Asteroids from Leura and Kingsgrove Observatories in the First Half of 2008 | Minor Planet Bulletin | 36 | 4-6 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
226 | 2009mpbu...36..127b | Brinsfield, J. W. | Brinsfield | 2009 | Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Via Capote Observatory: 2009 1st Quarter | Minor Planet Bulletin | 36 | 127-128 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
492 | 2009mpbu...36...52p | Pilcher, F.; Jardine, D. | Pilcher & Jardine | 2009 | Period Determinations for 31 Euphrosyne, 35 Leukothea 56 Melete, 137 Meliboea, 155 Scylla, and 264 Libussa | Minor Planet Bulletin | 36 | 52-54 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
566 | 2008icar..195..226s | Slivan, Stephen M.; Binzel, Richard P.; Boroumand, Shaida C.; Pan, Margaret W.; Simpson, Christine M.; Tanabe, James T.; Villastrigo, Rosalinda M.; Yen, Lesley L.; Ditteon, Richard P.; Pray, Donald P.; Stephens, Robert D. | Slivan et al. | 2008 | Rotation rates in the Koronis family, complete to H\ensuremath≈11.2 | Icarus | 195 | 226-276 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | ||
600 | 2008icar..198...91t | Torppa, J.; Hentunen, V.-P.; Pääkkönen, P.; Kehusmaa, P.; Muinonen, K. | Torppa et al. | 2008 | Asteroid shape and spin statistics from convex models | Icarus | 198 | 91-107 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 | 2019-10-27 21:03:14 |