Table: References (references)

Total rows count: 574
ID Bibcode Author Author Short Year Title Journal Volume Page Url Comment Created Modified
242 Caron Caron 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
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505 Pravec, P. Pravec 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
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515 Prompt Prompt Prompt web 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
602 USNO USNO USNO web 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
369 Hipparcos Hipparcos Hipparcos web 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
415 LONEOS LONEOS LONEOS web 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
187 CATALINA CATALINA CATALINA web 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
201 Behrend, R. Behrend Unpublished data web 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
205 Benishek Benishek Unpublished data web 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
238 Carlsberg Carlsberg Carlsberg web 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
120 2008mpbu...35..167w B. D. Warner, J. Ďurech, M. Fauerbach, S. Marks B. D. Warner 2008 Shape and spin models for four asteroids The Minor Planet Bulletin 35, 4 167 2008-09-16 12:20:58 2011-04-11 11:03:52
121 2008mpbu...35..171w B. D. Warner B. D. Warner 2008 A preliminary shape and spin axis model for 595 Polyxena The Minor Planet Bulletin 35, 4 171 2008-09-16 12:25:03 2011-04-11 11:04:16
541 1983msngr..31...11s Schober, H. J. Schober 1983 136 Austria - Observed at ESO The Messenger 31 11 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
316 1983msngr..32...29g Gammelgaard, P.; Kristensen, L. K. Gammelgaard & Kristensen 1983 Fine Structure Lightcurve of 51 Nemausa The Messenger 32 29 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
170 2017aj....153..270v Vokrouhlický, David; Pravec, Petr; Ďurech, Josef; Hornoch, Kamil; Kušnirák, Peter; Galád, Adrián; Vraštil, Jan; Kučáková, Hana; Pollock, Joseph T.; Ortiz, Jose Luis; Morales, Nicolas; Gaftonyuk, Ninel M.; Pray, Donald P.; Krugly, Yurij N.; Inasaridze, Raguli Ya.; Ayvazian, Vova R.; Molotov, Igor E.; Colazo, Carlos A. Vokrouhlický et al. 2017 Detailed Analysis of the Asteroid Pair (6070) Rheinland and (54827) 2001 NQ8 The Astronomical Journal, Volume 153, Issue 6, article id. 270, 17 pp. 2017-06-08 13:11:47 2017-06-08 13:12:59
659 2020arxiv201208771l Lee, Hee-Jae; Ďurech, Josef; Vokrouhlický, David; Pravec, Petr; Moon, Hong-Kyu; Ryan, William; Kim, Myung-Jin; Kim, Chun-Hwey; Choi, Young-Jun; Bacci, Paolo; Pollock, Joe; Apitzsch, Rolf Lee et al. 2021 Spin Change of Asteroid 2012 TC4 Probably by Radiation Torques The Astronomical Journal 161 112 2021-01-07 14:30:26 2022-11-03 07:26:05
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414 1990rmxaa..21..590l Licandro, J.; Gallardo, T.; Tancredi, G. Licandro et al. 1990 Photometric Observations of Asteroids 31 Euphrosyne, 118 Peito, 13 Egeria, 196 Philomena, and 471 Papagena Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrofis. 21 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
477 1981paos....1..225p Pavlovski, K.; Knezevic, Z.; Muminovic, M. Pavlovski et al. 1981 Photometry of the asteroid (5) Astraea. Publ. Astron. Obs. Sarajevo, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 225 - 230 1 225-230 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
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299 1999p&ss...47..327e Erikson, A.; Berthier, J.; Denchev, P. V.; Harris, A. w.; Ioannou, Z.; Kryszczynska, A.; Lagerkvist, C.-i.; Magnusson, P.; Michalowski, T.; Nathues, A.; Piironen, J.; Pravec, P.; Šarounová, L.; Velichko, F. Erikson et al. 1999 Photometric observations and modelling of the asteroid 85 Io in conjunction with data from an occultation event during the 1995-96 apparition Planet. Space Sci. 47 327-330 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
583 2005p&ss...53..925s Székely, P.; Kiss, L. L.; Szabó, G. M.; Sárneczky, K.; Csák, B.; Váradi, M.; Mészáros, S. Székely et al. 2005 CCD photometry of 23 minor planets Planet. Space Sci. 53 925-936 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
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419 1979pazh....5..201l Lupishko, D. F.; Kiselev, N. N.; Chernova, G. P. Lupishko et al. 1979 The opposition effect for the asteroid 17 Thetis Pisma Astronomicheskii Zhurnal 5 201-205 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
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510 2010natur.466.1085p Pravec, P.; Vokrouhlický, D.; Polishook, D.; Scheeres, D. J.; Harris, A. W.; Galád, A.; Vaduvescu, O.; Pozo, F.; Barr, A.; Longa, P.; Vachier, F.; Colas, F.; Pray, D. P.; Pollock, J.; Reichart, D.; Ivarsen, K.; Haislip, J.; Lacluyze, A.; Kušnirák, P.; Henych, T.; Marchis, F.; Macomber, B.; Jacobson, S. A.; Krugly, Y. N.; Sergeev, A. V.; Leroy, A. Pravec et al. 2010 Formation of asteroid pairs by rotational fission Nature 466 1085-1088 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
399 1982m&p....27..463l Lagerkvist, C.-I.; Kamel, L. Lagerkvist & Kamel 1982 Physical studies of asteroids. X - Photoelectric light curves of the asteroids 219 and 512 Moon and Planets 27 463-466 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
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