Table: References (references)

Total rows count: 574
ID Bibcode Author Author Short Year Title Journal Volume Page Url Comment Created Modified
443 1991a&as...91...53m Michalowski, T.; Velichko, F. P.; Lindgren, M.; Oja, T.; Lagerkvist, C.-I.; Magnusson, P. Michalowski et al. 1991 The spin vector of asteriod 10 Hygiea A&AS 91 53-59 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2020-02-12 08:43:50
154 2014icar..233...48p Pravec, P.; Scheirich, P.; Durech, J.; Pollock, J.; Kusnirák, P.; Hornoch, K.; Galád, A.; Vokrouhlický, D.; Harris, A. W.; Jehin, E.; Manfroid, J.; Opitom, C.; Gillon, M.; Colas, F.; Oey, J.; Vrastil, J.; Reichart, D.; Ivarsen, K.; Haislip, J.; LaCluyze, A. Pravec et al. 2014 The tumbling spin state of (99942) Apophis Icarus, Volume 233 48-60 2014-07-13 19:36:13 2014-07-13 19:36:13
166 2017a&a...598a..91v Vokrouhlický, D.; Pravec, P.; Ďurech, J.; Bolin, B.; Jedicke, R.; Kušnirák, P.; Galád, A.; Hornoch, K.; Kryszczyńska, A.; Colas, F.; Moskovitz, N.; Thirouin, A.; Nesvorný, D. Vokrouhlický et al. 2017 The young Datura asteroid family. Spins, shapes, and population estimate Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 598, id.A91, 19 pp. 2017-02-13 08:32:35 2017-02-13 08:32:35
126 2009p&ss...57..259d M. Delbo and P. Tanga M. Delbo and P. Tanga 2009 Thermal inertia of main belt asteroids smaller than 100 km from IRAS data P&SS 57 259 2009-02-26 12:44:50 2011-04-11 11:06:51
179 2019a&a...625a.139m Marciniak, A.; Alí-Lagoa, V.; Müller, T. G.; Szakáts, R.; Molnár, L.; Pál, A.; Podlewska-Gaca, E.; Parley, N.; Antonini, P.; Barbotin, E.; Behrend, R.; Bernasconi, L.; Butkiewicz-Bąk, M.; Crippa, R.; Duffard, R.; Ditteon, R.; Feuerbach, M.; Fauvaud, S.; Garlitz, J.; Geier, S.; Goncalves, R.; Grice, J.; Grześkowiak, I.; Hirsch, R.; Horbowicz, J.; Kamiński, K.; Kamińska, M. K.; Kim, D.-H.; Kim, M.-J.; Konstanciak, I.; Kudak, V.; Kulczak, P.; Maestre, J. L.; Manzini, F.; Marks, S.; Monteiro, F.; Ogłoza, W.; Oszkiewicz, D.; Pilcher, F.; Perig, V.; Polakis, T.; Polińska, M.; Roy, R.; Sanabria, J. J.; Santana-Ros, T.; Skiff, B.; Skrzypek, J.; Sobkowiak, K.; Sonbas, E.; Thizy, O.; Trela, P.; Urakawa, S.; Żejmo, M.; Żukowski, K. Marciniak et al. 2019 Thermal properties of slowly rotating asteroids: results from a targeted survey Astronomy & Astrophysics 625, A139 2019-06-25 11:48:41 2019-06-25 11:49:16
163 2015icar..256..101h Hanuš, J.; Delbo, M.; Ďurech, J.; Alí-Lagoa, V. Hanuš et al. 2015 Thermophysical modeling of asteroids from WISE thermal infrared data - Significance of the shape model and the pole orientation uncertainties Icarus 256 101-116 2016-04-22 14:00:37 2016-06-20 12:18:50
213 1992icar...95..222b Binzel, R. P.; Sauter, L. M. Binzel & Sauter 1992 Trojan, Hilda, and Cybele asteroids - New lightcurve observations and analysis Icarus 95 222-238 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
592 1976icar...28...21t Tedesco, E. F. Tedesco 1976 UBV lightcurves of asteroid 433 Eros Icarus 28 21-28 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
480 1985a&as...61..299p Piironen, J. O.; Poutanen, M.; di Martino, M.; Zappala, V. Piironen et al. 1985 UBV observations and pole determinations of asteroids 15 Eunomia and 354 Eleonora A&AS 61 299-302 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
449 1976icar...28...53m Millis, R. L.; Bowell, E.; Thompson, D. T. Millis et al. 1976 UBV photometry of asteroid 433 Eros Icarus 28 53-67 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
421 1981avest..15...25l Lupishko, D. F.; Tupieva, F. A.; Velichko, F. P.; Kiselev, N. N.; Chernova, G. P. Lupishko et al. 1981 UBV photometry of the asteroids 19 Fortuna and 29 Amphitrite Astronomicheskii Vestnik 15 25-31 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
549 1979a&as...38..269s Schober, H. J.; Surdej, J. Schober & Surdej 1979 UBV photometry of the asteroids 9 Metis, 87 Sylvia and 247 Eukrate during their oppositions in 1978 with respect to lightcurves A&AS 38 269-274 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
422 1982avest..16..101l Lupishko, D. F.; Belskaya, I. N.; Tupieva, F. A.; Chernova, G. P. Lupishko et al. 1982 UBV photometry of the M-type asteroids 16 Psyche and 22 Kalliope Astronomicheskii Vestnik 16 101-108 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
578 1983a&as...52..203s Surdej, J.; Surdej, A.; Louis, B. Surdej et al. 1983 UBV photometry of the minor planets 86 Semele, 521 Brixia, 53 Kalypso and 113 Amalthea A&AS 52 203-211 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
218 1979icar...40..359b Blanco, C.; Catalano, S. Blanco & Catalano 1979 UBV photometry of Vesta Icarus 40 359-363 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
340 1983acm..proc...35h Hahn, G. Hahn 1983 UBVRI and JHK photometry of the near-earth asteroid 1862 Apollo 35-44 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
512 Pray, D. Pray Unpublished data 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
302 Fauerbach, M. Fauerbach Unpublished data 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
599 Thizy Thizy Unpublished data 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
193 Audejean Audejean Unpublished data 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
201 Behrend, R. Behrend Unpublished data web 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
205 Benishek Benishek Unpublished data web 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
207 Bernasconi, L. Bernasconi Unpublished data 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
483 Pilcher, F. Pilcher Unpublished data 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
124 M. Fauerbach M. Fauerbach 2004 unpublished lightcurves 2008-12-05 13:14:21 2008-12-05 13:15:17
602 USNO USNO USNO web 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
334 1988mpbu...15...39h Hutton, R. G.; Blain, A. Hutton & Blain 1988 V+B Photoelectric Photometry of Asteroid 114 Kassandra Minor Planet Bulletin 15 39 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
325 1990mpbu...17...15h Hutton, R. G. Hutton 1990 V+B Photoelectric Photometry of Asteroid 119 Althaea Minor Planet Bulletin 17 15 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
326 1990mpbu...17...41h Hutton, R. G. Hutton 1990 V+B Photoelectric Photometry of Asteroids 121 Hermione, 264 Libussa, and 354 Eleonora Minor Planet Bulletin 17 41-+ 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
323 1989mpbu...16...16h Hutton, R. G. Hutton 1989 V+B Photoelectric Photometry of Asteroids 45 Eugenia and 498 Tokio Minor Planet Bulletin 16 16-+ 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
324 1990mpbu...17...34h Hutton, R. G. Hutton 1990 V+B Photoelectric Photometry of Asteroids 65 Cybele and 216 Kleopatra Minor Planet Bulletin 17 34 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
439 1987mpbu...14...21m Melillo, F. J. Melillo 1987 V+I Photoelectric Photometry of Asteroids 4 Vesta and 9 Metis Minor Planet Bulletin 14 21 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
662 2021a&a...654a..48h Hanuš, J.; Pejcha, O.; Shappee, B. J.; Kochanek, C. S.; Stanek, K. Z.; Holoien, T. W. -S. Hanuš et al. 2021 V-band photometry of asteroids from ASAS-SN. Finding asteroids with slow spin Astronomy and Astrophysics 654 A48 2022-02-17 14:46:29 2022-11-03 07:24:34
436 1985icar...61..443m McCheyne, R. S.; Eaton, N.; Meadows, A. J. McCheyne et al. 1985 Visible and near-infrared lightcurves of eight asteroids Icarus 61 443-460 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
307 1995mpbu...22...36f Foglia, S. Foglia 1995 Visual Photometry of 15 Eunomia Minor Planet Bulletin 22 36 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
306 1994mpbu...21...40f Foglia, S. Foglia 1994 Visual Photometry of 23 Thalia Minor Planet Bulletin 21 40 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
305 1992mpbu...19...19f Foglia, S. Foglia 1992 Visual Photometry of 7 Iris Minor Planet Bulletin 19 19 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
660 2021a&a...654a..56v Vernazza, P.; Ferrais, M.; Jorda, L.; Hanuš, J.; Carry, B.; Marsset, M.; Brož, M.; Fetick, R.; Viikinkoski, M.; Marchis, F.; Vachier, F.; Drouard, A.; Fusco, T.; Birlan, M.; Podlewska-Gaca, E.; Rambaux, N.; Neveu, M.; Bartczak, P.; Dudziński, G.; Jehin, E.; Beck, P.; Berthier, J.; Castillo-Rogez, J.; Cipriani, F.; Colas, F.; Dumas, C.; Ďurech, J.; Grice, J.; Kaasalainen, M.; Kryszczynska, A.; Lamy, P.; Le Coroller, H.; Marciniak, A.; Michalowski, T.; Michel, P.; Santana-Ros, T.; Tanga, P.; Vigan, A.; Witasse, O.; Yang, B.; Antonini, P.; Audejean, M.; Aurard, P.; Behrend, R.; Benkhaldoun, Z.; Bosch, J. M.; Chapman, A.; Dalmon, L.; Fauvaud, S.; Hamanowa, Hiroko; Hamanowa, Hiromi; His, J.; Jones, A.; Kim, D. -H.; Kim, M. -J.; Krajewski, J.; Labrevoir, O.; Leroy, A.; Livet, F.; Molina, D.; Montaigut, R.; Oey, J.; Payre, N.; Reddy, V.; Sabin, P.; Sanchez, A. G.; Socha, L. Vernazza et al. 2021 VLT/SPHERE imaging survey of the largest main-belt asteroids: Final results and synthesis Astronomy and Astrophysics 654 A56 2021-11-16 12:04:14 2022-11-03 07:25:08
158 2015a&a...581l...3v Viikinkoski, M.; Kaasalainen, M.; Ďurech, J.; Carry, B.; Marsset, M.; Fusco, T.; Dumas, C.; Merline, W. J.; Yang, B.; Berthier, J.; Kervella, P.; Vernazza, P. Viikinkoski et al. 2015 VLT/SPHERE- and ALMA-based shape reconstruction of asteroid (3) Juno Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 581, id.L3 2015-09-21 10:46:50 2015-09-21 10:46:50
169 2017a&a...601a.114h Hanuš, J.; Viikinkoski, M.; Marchis, F.; Ďurech, J.; Kaasalainen, M.; Delbo', M.; Herald, D.; Frappa, E.; Hayamizu, T.; Kerr, S.; Preston, S.; Timerson, B.; Dunham, D.; Talbot, J. Hanuš et al. 2017 Volumes and bulk densities of forty asteroids from ADAM shape modeling Astronomy & Astrophysics 601, id.A114 2017-05-26 13:15:56 2017-05-26 13:15:56
597 1983icar...54...30t Tedesco, E. F.; Taylor, R. C.; Drummond, J.; Harwood, D.; Nickoloff, I.; Scaltriti, F.; Zappala, V. Tedesco et al. 1983 Worldwide photometry and lightcurve observations of 16 Psyche during the 1975-1976 apparition Icarus 54 30-37 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
172 2018a&a...609a..86d Ďurech, J.; Vokrouhlický, D.; Pravec, P.; Hanuš, J.; Farnocchia, D.; Krugly, Yu. N.; Inasaridze, R. Y.; Ayvazian, V. R.; Fatka, P.; Chiorny, V. G.; Gaftonyuk, N.; Galád, A.; Groom, R.; Hornoch, K.; Kučáková, H.; Kušnirák, P.; Lehký, M.; Kvaratskhelia, O. I.; Masi, G.; Molotov, I. E.; Oey, J.; Pollock, J. T.; Shevchenko, V. G.; Vraštil, J.; Warner, B. D. Ďurech et al. 2018 YORP and Yarkovsky effects in asteroids (1685) Toro, (2100) Ra-Shalom, (3103) Eger, and (161989) Cacus Astronomy & Astrophysics 609, A86 2017-11-20 11:16:18 2018-03-16 10:31:18
256 Cunningham Cunningham 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
517 Rousseau Rousseau 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
520 Sanborn Sanborn 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
296 Durkee Durkee 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
301 Farissier Farissier 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
303 Fauvaud Fauvaud 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
304 Fauvaud; Heck Fauvaud & Heck 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14
567 Sogorb Sogorb 2019-10-27 21:03:14 2019-10-27 21:03:14