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(357) Ninina LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 230 36 35.984 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 49 0 35.984 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(356) Liguria LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 57 -33 31.7046 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(355) Gabriella lc.txt | lc.json
View model 341 83 4.828994 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 159 88 4.828994 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(354) Eleonora LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 144 54 4.277186 AO.eps | 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 156 45 4.277185 AO.png | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 154 51 4.277184 AO.png | IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(353) Ruperto-Carola lc.txt | lc.json
View model 183 -58 2.738963 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 43 -64 2.738963 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(352) Gisela lc.txt | lc.json
View model 24 -21 7.480077 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 206 -28 7.480076 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(351) Yrsa lc.txt | lc.json
View model 193 -41 13.31198 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 20 -70 13.31195 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(350) Ornamenta lc.txt | lc.json
View model 184 -29 9.18041 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(349) Dembowska lc.txt | lc.json
View model 322 18 4.701204 AO.eps | 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(347) Pariana lc.txt | lc.json
View model 41 2 4.05246 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj does not agree with occultation from 2019 Dec 10
View model 230 25 4.052456 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj does not agree with occultation from 2019 Dec 10
(345) Tercidina lc.txt | lc.json
View model 346 -55 12.37082 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | occ_2002-09-17.pdf | occ_2005-11-15.pdf | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(343) Ostara lc.txt | lc.json
View model 103 64 110.028 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 294 48 110.028 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(342) Endymion LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 82 -9 6.31652 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(341) California lc.txt | lc.json
View model 15 -84 320.79 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(340) Eduarda lc.txt | lc.json
View model 188 -43 8.00613 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 18 -47 8.00613 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj