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(347) Pariana lc.txt | lc.json
View model 41 2 4.05246 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj does not agree with occultation from 2019 Dec 10
View model 230 25 4.052456 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj does not agree with occultation from 2019 Dec 10
(15988) Parini LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 92 42 5.56222 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(11) Parthenope lc.txt | lc.json
View model 312 15 13.72205 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 315 18 13.72205 AO.png | occ.png | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 312 16 13.72205 AO.png | IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(2331) Parvulesco LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 248 75 97.14 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(888) Parysatis LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 263 -47 5.93333 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 127 -62 5.93334 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(2860) Pasacentennium LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 358 -56 2.6608 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(12766) Paschen LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 12 56 3.27823 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 209 74 3.27823 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(14885) Paskoff lc.txt | lc.json
View model 64 -37 311.73 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(16498) Passau LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 266 83 4.8771 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(3508) Pasternak LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 13 -56 2.87552 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 178 -58 2.87552 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(4804) Pasteur LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 154 27 13.6513 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 343 15 13.6509 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(1978) Patrice lc.txt | lc.json
View model 203 18 5.881218 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 21 13 5.881213 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(436) Patricia lc.txt | lc.json
View model 124 -30 16.132 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 339 -58 16.132 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(1791) Patsayev lc.txt | lc.json
View model 58 -63 19.8367 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 244 -55 19.8367 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(2511) Patterson lc.txt | lc.json
View model 194 51 4.140653 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 11 31 4.140652 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj