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(89) Julia lc.txt | lc.json
View model 8 -13 11.38834 AO.eps | 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | occ_2005-08-13.pdf | occ_2006-12-04.pdf | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj size from AO is 130+/-15 km
View model 14 -24 11.388336 AO.png | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj nonconvex model, more details at
(816) Juliana lc.txt | lc.json
View model 304 10 10.56277 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 124 -8 10.56272 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(12880) Juliegrady LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 223 -84 27.752 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(28125) Juliomiguez LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 1 87 141.36 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(21428) Junehokim LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 299 7 3.80545 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 118 7 3.80545 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(9649) Junfukue LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 182 -65 14.4775 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 6 -67 14.4775 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(6052) Junichi LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 267 63 17.1729 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(3) Juno lc.txt | lc.json
View model 103 27 7.209531 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | occ_1979-12-11.pdf | occ_2000-05-24.pdf | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 105 21 7.20953 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj nonconvex model reconstructed from ALMA+AO+LC
(5073) Junttura LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 57 -80 4.06497 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 279 -46 4.06496 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(21394) Justinbecker LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 292 -80 13.8287 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 108 -60 13.829 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(13585) Justinsmith lc.txt | lc.json
View model 331 -33 50.281 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 150 -18 50.28 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(269) Justitia LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 71 -79 33.129 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 251 -69 33.129 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(2799) Justus LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 244 76 9.5314 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(2818) Juvenalis LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 86 -67 3.6405 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 254 -62 3.6405 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(605) Juvisia LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 90 28 15.84183 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj half period of that in Ďurech et al. (2019)
View model 269 -17 15.84182 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj half period of that in Ďurech et al. (2019)