
Sort: Number | Label

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(3099) Hergenrother LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 170 -28 25.678 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(1751) Herget LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 138 -72 3.93993 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(923) Herluga LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 218 -68 29.7282 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 334 -53 29.7283 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(685) Hermia lc.txt | lc.json
View model 197 87 50.387 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 29 79 50.387 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(121) Hermione lc.txt | lc.json
View model 359 8 5.550877 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 3 15 5.550877 AO.png | 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(4758) Hermitage lc.txt | lc.json
View model 47 40 10.15172 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(2630) Hermod lc.txt | lc.json
View model 74 50 19.4283 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 256 45 19.4283 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(19079) Hernandez LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 189 -79 4.17364 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(6686) Hernius lc.txt | lc.json
View model 312 59 4.709382 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 130 58 4.709381 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(546) Herodias lc.txt | lc.json
View model 104 -7 10.75425 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(4124) Herriot LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 357 42 9.6795 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 182 37 9.6795 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(206) Hersilia lc.txt | lc.json
View model 250 43 11.11129 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(135) Hertha lc.txt | lc.json
View model 272 52 8.4006 occ.pdf | 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj consistent with the occultation silhouette
View model 276 53 8.4006 AO.png | occ.png | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(1693) Hertzsprung lc.txt | lc.json
View model 45 47 8.84228 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 255 48 8.84225 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(3052) Herzen LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 62 -1 11.5982 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj