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(1649) Fabre lc.txt | lc.json
View model 77 35 28.7509 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(7055) Fabiopagan LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 165 -50 4.16882 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(1576) Fabiola lc.txt | lc.json
View model 229 75 6.88905 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(12843) Ewers LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 318 37 8.0714 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 141 44 8.0714 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(50412) Ewen LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 251 -36 60.146 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 76 -41 60.147 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(24648) Evpatoria LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 320 54 182.42 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(12979) Evgalvasil'ev lc.txt | lc.json
View model 203 -62 5.78331 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 45 -68 5.78332 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(503) Evelyn LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 246 -64 38.779 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 89 -56 38.779 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(28168) Evanolin LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 184 90 6.13753 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(26682) Evanfletcher LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 351 -40 6.21358 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 170 -38 6.21361 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(164) Eva lc.txt | lc.json
View model 54 -10 13.6638 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(27) Euterpe lc.txt | lc.json
View model 258 -42 10.40828 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj this model (not the mirror solution) is consistent with the occultation from 1993/10/09
(79) Eurynome lc.txt | lc.json
View model 54 24 5.977723 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 228 30 5.977722 3D.pdf | IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(195) Eurykleia lc.txt | lc.json
View model 101 71 16.52178 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
View model 352 83 16.52179 IAUspin.txt | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj
(29314) Eurydamas LCref | lc.txt | lc.json
View model 220 25 15.0388 IAUspin | shape.png | shape.txt | spin.txt | shape.obj